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Monthly Traffic Summary
Website Traffic Summary
July 1, 2024 – July 31, 2024
Hi there!
Let’s take a look at how your website traffic performed in the past month.
Total Sessions
Decrease sessions: -50%
vs previous 31 days
Page Views
Total Pageviews
Decrease pageviews: -34%
vs previous 31 days
Total Engagement
Decrease engagement: -50%
vs previous 31 days
Pages Top Pages
Page Title Page Views
1. Islas Paraiso Expedition… 16
2. Coron to El… 4
3. About Us -… 1
4. Cart – Islas… 1
5. Book Checkout -… 1
6. Book Checkout -… 1
7. Contact Us -… 1
8. Meet Our Team… 1
9. Tour List -… 1
10. Tour List -… 1
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Pro Tip from our experts
3 Easy Steps to Track User Activity in WordPress
Do you have a membership site or an eCommerce store where people have to register an account? If yes, then you can track logged-in user activity in WordPress using MonsterInsights. Create personalized experiences and map out buyer journeys to boost conversions.

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